Small groups

"They worshipped together at the Temple each day, met in homes, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity." (Acts 2:46) 

Coming to church on Sunday is great, it's our chance to meet and worship together as a church family.  But it's in our small groups that life-changing friendships are built and real growth happens.

We meet each week in small groups to share life and study the Bible together.  There are different groups meeting at different times to enable as many people as possible to take part.  Everyone who is part of our church is encouraged to join a group to get to know others, find support, and to enable continued discipleship (learning to follow Jesus). 

Some groups meet in person - either at church or in homes.  Others meet online using Zoom.  That means it's easier than ever to join, and you can take part from the comfort of your own home.  Go ahead, sign up now!


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